minecraft dining room

[thunderclaps] -i sure do appreciate you boysvolunteering to look after my remarkably creepy hotel.-are you kidding? this place is "a-maize-ing."[laughs] -yeah. should be terrifying. -i'm with pear. little scared. hey, no jokes.-aw, come on, guys. this place is just whati need to finish my novel, the grape gatsby.
-well, that's a coinkidink.my last caretaker was a grape. -[nervously]:uh... was? -yes, but by the endof the first week, he'd shriveled intosomething else entirely. -what? like a raisin? -worse-- a crazin! -[babbling maniacally] -fyi, the dining roomis wicked-haunted, and you probably want tosteer clear of it altogether.
-(both) huh?!-come on now, crazin. let's get you to the nuthouse. later, fellas.-[babbling maniaclly] [grunts] -so...i'm having second thoughts. -orange too.i think he already left. -(orange)hey! hey, guys, hey! you wouldn't believethe size of this dining room! -gulp?-i'm gonna go with double-gulp.
[thunderclaps,spooky music plays] [scream] so far, so good. we're one day inand nobody's gone crazy. -(pear)speak for yourself. -all work and no playmake jack a dull toy. all work and no playmake jack a dull toy. [laughs] -shouldn't you betyping your novel?
-type? i don't have any hands.that's why i'm dictating it. siri,read chapter one back to me. -(siri) all work and no playmakes jack a dull toy. [orange laughs, pear grumbles] -ridin' my three-wheeler,ridin' along. ridin' through the hallwayas i make up this song. -(both, eerily)come play with us. -whoa! hey, where'd they go? -(both)come play with us, midget apple.
-[startled yelp]i prefer little apple. -(both)come play with us. -okay, look,i'm gonna open my eyes now, and i want both of youto be gone, okay? okay? -(both)come play with us! -[screaming in horror] -dude, i'm a little worriedabout midget apple. -just a little?[laughs]
-no, seriously, take a look. -"red rum"? i don't get it. -hello. that's "murder"spelled backwards. -um, actually, i wrote that. i'm literally abottle of red rum. -uh, okay.but why write it on the wall? -'cause i've got anattitude problem, man. any more brain-busters? -actually, yeah.why are you here?
-oh, that's 'cause i'm a ghost, and if you can see me,that means you're going insane. [both scream] -dude, look at this picture. -hey, those arethe twin pops i met. -and there's red rum. -and...is that the kool-aid man? -oh, it gets weirder.look at the back row. -whoa... that's us.
[thumping]-uh... do you hear that? [thumping continues]-huh? hear what? -heeere's orange![laughs crazily] [both screaming] what? it was an ax-ident.[laughs] -[whimpers] we've beenrunning all day from orange. i can't take it anymore! -there, the elevator.we have to get to it before-- -it's closing! oh no!-(pear) oh no!
-yolo![laughs] -oh no!-oh yeah! oh no. [pear and midget apple scream] -aah! hey, not cool, man. [laughs]get it? cool man? [screams] -and that's pretty muchthe end of it. little apple and i barelymade it out in one piece.
-well, you guys seem likeyou're doing all right now. -i don't know. sometimes i feel likewe'll never be the same. -(orange)tell me about it. this is the worst case ofkool-aid tongue i've ever had. [laughter] ax!-oh! -hey-hey, fruit-ballers!if you love fruit carnage, you're gonna love mynew video game splatter up!,
available on itunesand google play now! smack fruit allover the kitchen to get high scoresand awesome food kills. download it now and see if you can knock my high-scoreout of the park! [laughs] captioned by streamcaptions.com [laughs]knife!
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